Hybrid City Hall Conference Room/Virtual Zoom Meeting
Hybrid City Hall Conference Room/Virtual Zoom Meeting
Committee Members Present:
  • Lori Mainini Hall, 
  • Warren Hoag, 
  • and Bruce Berlin
Committee Members Absent:
  • Jon Couch
  • and Kristin Juette
Staff Present:
  • Associate Planner Andrew Perez
  • and Assistant Planner Patrick Holub

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 


Chair Hoag called the Meeting to order at 2:30 pm.


Chair Hoag performed the roll call. Committee Members Couch and Juette were absent.


Vice Chair Berlin led the flag salute.




Chair Hoag opened the public comment period. No public comment was received. 






  • Moved byBruce Berlin
    Seconded byLori Mainini Hall

    Approve the Minutes of the May 2, 2022 Regular Meeting. 

    AYES (3)Lori Mainini Hall, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin
    ABSENT (2)Jon Couch, and Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)


Associate Planner Holub presented the staff report, outlining the location, design, and features of the proposed signage. He also explained that the proposal is subject to the Village Design Guidelines and how the signage complies with the applicable standards. 

The applicant was not present to address the Committee. 

The Committee appreciated the colors and location of the proposed signs. The Committee found the materials and design appropriate for the subject location and in compliance with the Design Guidelines. 

  • Moved byLori Mainini Hall
    Seconded byBruce Berlin

    The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) recommends that the Community Development Director approve the project as submitted. 

    AYES (3)Lori Mainini Hall, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin
    ABSENT (2)Jon Couch, and Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)



Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report and provided background about the project's entitlement. He explained details of the proposed lighting and the photometric plan. He also highlighted the locations of the trash enclosures, the rationale for their respectively locations, and explained that the trash enclosures were designed in accordance with City standards. 

No applicant was present to address the Committee.

The Committee found the lighting in compliance with the Municipal Code and adequate for safety and wayfinding throughout the development. There was some concern expressed about the potential intensity of LED lighting. The Committee appreciated the location of the trash enclosures and their accessibility for all future residents. 

  • Moved byBruce Berlin
    Seconded byLori Mainini Hall

    The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) recommended that to the Community Development Director approve the lighting plan and design of the proposed trash enclosures as submitted, with the condition that the LED lighting is on the warmer scale of the spectrum.

    AYES (3)Lori Mainini Hall, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin
    ABSENT (2)Jon Couch, and Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)


The Committee congratulated staff on their recent promotions.


Planning Manager Perez announced that staff will be introducing an Ordinance to implement Senate Bill 9 at the May 24, 2022 City Council meeting. 


The Meeting adjourned at 3:11 pm.

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