Planning Manager Perez presented the item.
Mayor Ray Russom explained the process for project pre-applications.
Planning Manager Perez responded to questions from Council. Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Robeson provided a history of the project as well as benefits to the City, and responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. Speaking from the public was Edwin Fitchner, Nick DePew, Vincent Bozanich, Lori Wooldridge, Christian Cubel, Jennifer Silva, Lynn Wooldridge, Judy Ceccetti, Barbara Harmon, and Joni Benakovich. No further comments were received.
Mayor Ray Russom called for a brief break at 7:45 p.m. for technical reasons. The Council reconvened at 7:51 p.m.
Tom Bergerson, Project Architect, made statements regarding the project, responded to comments from the public, and commented on upcoming community meetings.
Planning Manager Perez and Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Robeson responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Ray Russom explained next steps in the process.
Council discussion ensued regarding parking, traffic analysis, pedestrian access, a tie-in to Village architecture, inclusion of public art, and the project process.
No action was taken on this item.