Hybrid City Hall Conference Room/Virtual Zoom Meeting
300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
Committee Members Present:
  • Jon Couch, 
  • Lori Mainini Hall, 
  • Kristin Juette, 
  • Warren Hoag, 
  • and Bruce Berlin
Staff Present:
  • Community Development Director Brian Pedrotti, 
  • Associate Planner Andrew Perez, 
  • and Assistant Planner Patrick Holub

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 



Chair Hoag called the Meeting to order at 2:50 pm.



Chair Hoag performed the roll call. Committee Member Couch was absent. 



Committee Member Hall









Chair Hoag acknowledged the distribution of Supplemental Memo No. 1 prior to the meeting. 




  • Moved byBruce Berlin
    Seconded byLori Mainini Hall

    Approve the Minutes of the June 20, 2022 Regular Meeting with the correction to Planning Manager Perez's title. 

    AYES (3)Lori Mainini Hall, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin
    ABSTAINED (1)Kristin Juette
    ABSENT (1)Jon Couch
    Passed (3 to 0)




Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report and provided information about the project location, details, materials, and colors. He also noted that the project was subject to the Village Design Guidelines and which guidelines were specifically applicable to the proposal. 

Jennifer Martin, project architect, and Billy Kilmer, property owner spoke in support of the project and explained the purpose of the project. Ms. Martin presented a slightly different tone of yellow, called Cachet Cream, as the proposed base color. The applicants also answered a question about the future development potential of the site and landscaping. 

Committee Member Couch joined the meeting at 2:57 pm.

The Committee spoke in support of the project and appreciated the rehabilitation of an existing dwelling in the Village to help maintain the character of the neighborhood. The Committee found the project details in conformance with the Design Guidelines and was supportive of the color presented at the meeting. 

  • Moved byBruce Berlin
    Seconded byLori Mainini Hall

    The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) recommends that the Community Development Director approve the project as submitted.

    AYES (5)Lori Mainini Hall, Jon Couch, Kristin Juette, Warren Hoag, and Bruce Berlin
    Passed (5 to 0)




Associate Planner Holub presented the staff report and explained the existing status of the temporary parklet program and direction provided by City Council at its study session. Associate Planner Holub also summarized the proposed design standards and the purpose for each of those standards.

The Committee agreed with staff that safety is a priority when developing these standards. The Committee spoke in support of the proposed standards and discussed height, width, colors, and landscaping within parklets. The Committee also discussed a program in which the property owner could install permanent street improvements such as curbing and bollards as a safety element to develop a permanent outdoor dining area. 

The following modifications to the standards were recommended by the ARC:

1) Limit parklet width to the width of the storefront in which it serve, but not more than 40 feet. This may be flexible considering the parking spaces do not exactly align with each business frontage

2) Allow more flexibility for colors by not requiring a primary and secondary color.

3) Limit height of parklets to the first floor to maintain view of Village buildings

4) Use traffic rated barriers that are either well articulated or allow for plants/vegetation



Committee Member Hall notified the Committee that she will be absent from the second regular meeting in September through at least the first regular meeting in October. 



Planning Manager Perez announced that the Planning Commission will consider amendments to the short term rental ordinance at its meeting on August 2, 2022. 



The Meeting adjourned at 4:56 pm.