Hybrid City Hall Conference Room/Virtual Zoom Meeting
300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
Committee Members Present:
  • Lori Mainini Hall, 
  • C.J. Horstman, 
  • Glenn Martin, 
  • and Janet Huston 
Committee Members Absent:
  • Kristin Juette 
Staff Present:
  • Planning Manager Andrew Perez 

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 

Chair Martin called the meeting to order at 2:30pm. 

Chair Martin performed the roll call. Committee Member Juette was absent. 

Committee Member Hall led the flag salute. 


Chair Martin invited public comment. No public comments were made. 


  • Moved byC.J. Horstman
    Seconded byLori Mainini Hall

    Approve the Minutes of the June 17, 2024 regular meeting revised to include the details of the vote for Item 8.c.

    AYES (4)Glenn Martin, Lori Mainini Hall, C.J. Horstman, and Janet Huston
    ABSENT (1)Kristin Juette
    Passed (4 to 0)


Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report, describing the project location, zoning designation, proposed project. He explained the applicable design guidelines and how the colors, materials, and design comply with those guidelines. 

Peter Danciart, project architect, spoke in support of the project and answered questions about the scope of work, the soffit material, and the rationale for using the corrugated metal siting rather than other materials that provide a similar level of fire resistance.

The Committee was supportive of the colors and materials finding them to be similar to the surrounding development and the agrarian character of the city, and therefore in compliance with the design guidelines for the D-2.11 overlay district.   

  • Moved byC.J. Horstman
    Seconded byLori Mainini Hall

    Recommend that the Community Development Director approve the project as submitted. 

    AYES (4)Glenn Martin, Lori Mainini Hall, C.J. Horstman, and Janet Huston
    ABSENT (1)Kristin Juette
    Passed (4 to 0)


Committee Member Horstman announced that he will not be available for the August 5, 2024 Meeting and asked about the outcome of the Council review of the Rancho Grande Park public art application. 

Planning Manager Perez informed the Committee that on August 13, 2024,  City Council will consider adoption of the Planning Commission's recommendations for the General Plan Update vision statement and guiding principles . 

The Meeting adjourned at 2:53pm.