Planning Manager Perez introduced the item and Michael Gibbons, Mintier Harnish consultant. Mr. Gibbons provided gave a presentation on the General Plan Update process and phases. Mr. Gibbons responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment for the visioning statement. Speaking from the public was Barbara Harmon, Kay Lotten, Shannon Kesler, Gaea Powell. No further public comments were received. Mayor Ray Russom, Mr. Gibbons, and City Manager Downing responded to questions from the public.
Council Member George read her proposed version of the vision statement. Council discussion ensued regarding edits to Council Member George's proposed statement including notation of other areas of the city with historic roots and inclusion of agriculture.
Mr. Gibbons presented regarding guiding principles. Community Development Director Pedrotti responded to questions from Council.
Mayor Ray Russom invited public comment. Speaking from the public was Gaea Powell, Shannon Kesler, Kay Lotten, Charlie Lotten, Barbara Harmon, Mike Harris, and Glenn Martin. No further public comments were received. Mr. Gibbons and Community Development Director Pedrotti responded to questions from the public and Council.
Council discussion ensued regarding each guideline. Council supported Principles 1, 2, and 6 as written.
Further Council discussion ensued regarding Principle 3 including terms "inclusivity" and "diversity" and removing this Principle from the General Plan document.
Council discussion ensued regarding Principle 4 including prioritizing maintaining infrastructure; taking out the term "growth" from community growth; and adding "community quality of life for all residents." Council concurred to rewrite Principle 4 as follows: “Implement strategies to balance economic growth opportunities with the preservation of natural resources. Prioritize infrastructure investments and maintenance of roads, public transportation and community facilities to support our community’s quality of life. Support diverse housing options, catering to different income levels and living situations.”
Mayor Ray Russom called for a brief break at 7:54 p.m. The Council reconvened at 8:00 p.m.
Council discussion ensued regarding Principle 5 including creation of head-of-household jobs; diverse housing and job opportunities; and ensuring that all residents have access to housing and business opportunities. Council concurred to rewrite Principle 5 as follows: “Foster a welcoming community by ensuring that all residents have access to business growth opportunities, jobs, and housing, including multifamily and missing middle housing types. Promote an environment in which citizens and visitors thrive.”
Further Council discussion ensued regarding the removal of Principle 3.