Hybrid City Hall Conference Room/Virtual Zoom Meeting
300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
Committee Members Present:
  • Lori Mainini Hall, 
  • C.J. Horstman, 
  • and Glenn Martin 
Committee Members Absent:
  • Kristin Juette 
Staff Present:
  • Planning Manager Andrew Perez, 
  • Associate Planner Patrick Holub, 
  • and Shayna Gropen 

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference.

Chair Martin called the Special Meeting to order at 2:30pm. 

Chair Martin performed the roll call. Committee Member Juette was absent. 

Committee Member Hall led the flag salute. 



  • Moved ByGlenn Martin
    Seconded ByLori Mainini Hall

    Approve the Minutes of the May 15, 2023 Regular Meeting as submitted. 

    AYES (3)Glenn Martin, Lori Mainini Hall, and C.J. Horstman
    ABSENT (1)Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)


Associate Planner Holub presented the staff report describing the previous approval, the applicant's request, and the applicable Village Design Guidelines. He answered questions from the Committee about the color swatch provided and the proposed treatment of the architectural details such as the trim and cornice. 

No applicant was present. 

Chair Martin opened public comment.

Cody McLaughlin was concerned the proposed color was too similar to the black awning and there should be more contrast. 

Ms. Pace asked the Committee if the financial burden is considered when the Committee makes recommendations or conditions for a project. 

Chair Martin closed public comment. 

The Committee understood the purpose of the request in order to make the signage more visible and found it appropriate. The proposed color is an earth tone as required by the Design Guidelines, and is compatible with the neighborhood due to its similarity with the color on the Victorian building at 211 E Branch. The Committee suggested that the green trim on the western elevation of the building is repainted black to minimize the number of colors on the building. 

  • Moved ByC.J. Horstman
    Seconded ByLori Mainini Hall

    The proposed revision to the building color is in substantial conformance with the original approval. The Committee strongly recommends that the green trim on the western elevation is painted black as part of this project. 

    AYES (3)Glenn Martin, Lori Mainini Hall, and C.J. Horstman
    ABSENT (1)Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)


Assistant Planner Gropen presented the staff report and provided a description of the subdivision and the subject lot, design guidelines for the tract, architectural details, colors, materials, and landscaping proposed. She answered questions about the orientation of the home on the lot and clarified the color palette. 

Scott Pace, project developer, described the design rationale for the tract as a whole and explained the existing landscaping that was installed as part of the tract improvements. 

Cody McLaughlin, project architect, provided more detail about the architectural style chosen and the other styles being considered for the other lots in the subdivision. 

The Committee was supportive of the design, materials, and colors chosen for the project and found to be consistent with the Design Guidelines. The use of the standing seam metal roof as an accent material was determined to be appropriate. The Committee suggested the addition of trim between the material change on the north elevation and more substantial landscaping to provide a buffer between the home and Highway 227.

  • Moved ByC.J. Horstman
    Seconded ByGlenn Martin

    The Committee recommends that the Community Development Director approve the project with the recommendations that the applicant:

    1) Increase the landscaping in the backyard facing Hwy 227;

    2) Design the lighting to prevent light trespass on neighboring properties and Hwy 227; and

    3) Add trim at the transition between the stucco and board and batten siding on the north elevation. 

    AYES (3)Glenn Martin, Lori Mainini Hall, and C.J. Horstman
    ABSENT (1)Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)


Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report describing the project location, existing development, and the proposed project. He provided details about the proposed land uses and the associated permit requirements. The architectural details, colors, and materials were also presented for comment. He answered questions about the parking requirement and trash enclosure location.

Michael Dammeyer, project architect, spoke in support of the project, described the objectives of the project, and commented on the location of the trash enclosure. 

The Committee found the architecture compatible with the site and the neighborhood, and its especially compatible with the church sanctuary next door. The Committee described the project as a good example of infill development near existing services. The Committee suggested that the applicant investigate the location and sizing of the trash enclosure with the trash company.     

  • Moved ByLori Mainini Hall
    Seconded ByC.J. Horstman

    The Committee recommends that the Planning Commission approve the project as submitted.

    AYES (3)Glenn Martin, Lori Mainini Hall, and C.J. Horstman
    ABSENT (1)Kristin Juette
    Passed (3 to 0)

Committee Member Hall commented that she likes the appearance of the signage at Rhonda's Relics with the material change. 

Committee Member Hall asked when the k-rails are going to be replaced with permanent barriers for the parklets. Planning Manager Perez notified the Committee that it would be reviewing the parklets at the next ARC meeting.

Planning Manager Perez notified the Committee that City Council will be considering the application for the fifth Committee Member at its meeting on June 27, 2023. He also reminded the Committee that there will be a meeting on Monday, July 3, 2023. 

The Meeting adjourned at 3:29pm.