Hybrid City Hall Conference Room/Virtual Zoom Meeting
300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
Committee Members Present:
  • Kristin Juette, 
  • C.J. Horstman, 
  • Glenn Martin, 
  • and Janet Huston 
Committee Members Absent:
  • Lori Mainini Hall 
Staff Present:
  • Planning Manager Andrew Perez 
  • and Associate Planner Patrick Holub 

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 

Chair Martin called the meeting to order at 2:30pm.

Chair Martin performed the roll call. Committee Member Hall was absent. 

Committee Member Horstman led the flag salute. 


Chair Martin opened the public comment period. No public comment was received. 


  • Moved byKristin Juette
    Seconded byC.J. Horstman

    Approve the Minutes of the September 11, 2023 Special Meeting with the addition of language to the discussion for Item 8.b regarding the street trees impact on the visibility of signage on facades in the Village and a recommendation to staff to coordinate with Public Works to determine if tree trimming is an appropriate solution. 

    AYES (4)Glenn Martin, Kristin Juette, C.J. Horstman, and Janet Huston
    ABSENT (1)Lori Mainini Hall
    Passed (4 to 0)


Associate Planner Holub described the history of parklets and the adoption of the parklet ordinance, parklet barriers, and the applicability of the Village Design Guidelines. He presented the design of the parklet furniture provided by the applicant. He also answered questions about the removal of the existing parklets, the proposed shade structure, and the configuration of the barriers.  

Casey O'Connor, project applicant, explained the safety aspects that were considered when describing the layout of the parklet furniture. He also described his plans for running conduit under the sidewalk to provide power for heaters that would be mounted to the pergola, and future plans for renovations of the restaurant facade. 

Chair Martin opened public comment. No public comment was received.

The Committee was supportive of the shade structures and furniture and suggested using planters to divide this parklet area from the adjoining parklet at 110 E Branch Street. The width of the pedestrian path of travel between the between and the posts of the shade structure was discussed and the Committee was supportive of making it wider than what is required by code. The Committee also suggested the installation of a planter box, or similar element along the safety barriers to prevent or discourage customers from sitting on them. In the event that the existing parklet furniture is replaced, the Committee stressed that it be consistent with the Design Guidelines.

  • Moved byGlenn Martin
    Seconded byKristin Juette

    The Committee recommends that the Community Development Director approve the proposed architectural details for PPR23-014 with the following conditions:

    1) Provide more than the minimum 4-foot wide pedestrian path of travel between the building and posts of the shade structures;

    2) The width of the shade structures are consistent with the neighboring parklet at 110 E. Branch Street for consistency;

    3) Incorporate design elements that discourage or prevent customers from sitting on the safety barriers; and

    4) All parklet furniture shall be consistent with the Village Design Guidelines. 


    AYES (4)Glenn Martin, Kristin Juette, C.J. Horstman, and Janet Huston
    ABSENT (1)Lori Mainini Hall
    Passed (4 to 0)


Committee Member Horstman recused himself at 3:16pm citing a conflict of interest. 

Associate Planner Holub presented the staff report, referenced the previously described background about the parklet program, and explained that the applicant is considering two options for the parklet furniture. He also presented the colors proposed for the building facade. 

David Hubbel, applicant, explained the rationale behind proposing two options for the parklet furniture and described his vision for the parklet and business. He also described why he wants to paint the facade and the purpose for the pinstriping that is proposed. He also explained that he wants to paint the door a bright color to increase visibility and bring attention to the building. 

The Committee while generally enjoyed the aesthetic of the whimsical furniture, it concluded that the colors are not compatible or consistent with the Village Design Guidelines. In reviewing the colors proposed for the facade, the Committee suggested using darker blues to be compatible with surrounding buildings. Each of the Committee members was supportive of the proposed pinstriping. The Committee also suggested adding a condition to prohibit and discourage customers from sitting on the safety barriers adjacent to traffic. 

  • Moved byGlenn Martin
    Seconded byJanet Huston

    The Committee recommends that the Community Development Director approve the proposed architectural details for PPR23-029 with the following conditions:

    1) Include an element to prohibit or discourage customers from sitting on the safety barriers;

    2) Color of the taffy style benches shall be muted in color;

    3) The front door can be painted a bright, unique colors;

    4) Base color of the facade shall be consistent with the Village Design Guidelines; 

    5) Umbrella color may be consistent with the business' colors, including those found in the approved signage; and

    6) Decking shall be consistent with the adjoining parklet in both color and material. 

    AYES (3)Glenn Martin, Kristin Juette, and Janet Huston
    ABSTAINED (1)C.J. Horstman
    ABSENT (1)Lori Mainini Hall
    Passed (3 to 0)


Committee Member Horstman rejoined the meeting at 3:58pm.

Planning Manager Perez updated the Committee on the status of the El Camino Real mixed-use project.

He also provided a construction timeline for the current paving and sidewalk projects in the Village.

The Meeting adjourned at 4:03pm.