Hybrid City Council Chamber/Virtual Zoom Meeting
215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande
Commission Members Present:
  • Chair Jamie Maraviglia, 
  • Kevin Buchanan, 
  • Vice Chair Bruce Berlin, 
  • and Virginia Roof 
Commission Members Absent:
  • Catherine Sackrison 
Staff Present:
  • Planning Manager Andrew Perez, 
  • Associate Planner Patrick Holub, 
  • and Community Development Director Brian Pedrotti 

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in San Luis Obispo County, and in compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 361, which allows for a deviation of teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting was held by teleconference. 

Chair Maraviglia called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Commissioner Sackrison absent. 

Chair Maraviglia led the flag salute.


The Commission received one supplemental memorandum regarding agenda item 8.a. 


  • Moved byVice Chair Bruce Berlin
    Seconded byKevin Buchanan

    Approve the Minutes of the June 6, 2023 Regular Meeting


Community Development Director Pedrotti introduced consultant Todd Tregenza, GHD. 

Consultant Tregenza provided background on the project and presented the staff report.

Consultant Tregenza and Community Development Director Pedrotti responded to Commissioner questions regarding: raised crosswalks; design alternatives; target design speeds; lane width; construction timelines; bicycle circulation; funding sources; and lane configurations. 

Chair Maraviglia opened the public hearing. 

Tori Perkins, Woodland Drive, spoke in favor of the project, stated her priority of improving safety for pedestrians and mentioned the need for additional signage at crosswalks.  

Dianne Mansell, corner of Halcyon and Farroll, spoke about the history of accidents and speeding on Halcyon as well as the need for additional in-ground flashing beacons at crosswalks. 

Marsha Lee, 805 Olive Street, thanked the consultant and staff for their work on the project and commented on issues at the Sandalwood intersection as well as the need for reduced speed limits.

Paul Rinsler, Gaynfair Terrace, asked about future speed limits, potential circulation issues on East Grand Avenue and the mountable nature of the proposed roundabout.  

Associate Planner Holub read into the record correspondence received after publication of the agenda from Jim DeCecco, Lucia Mar School District, speaking in support of the project. 

Hearing no further public comments, Chair Maraviglia closed the public hearing. 

The Commission made the following recommendations for City Council consideration: 1) Consider Alternative 2 with the roundabout option; 2) Prioritize pedestrian and bicycle safety by prioritizing protected travel lanes where possible; and 3) Prioritize traffic calming throughout the project to achieve reduced design speeds. 

  • Moved byChair Maraviglia
    Seconded byVirginia Roof

    Recommend adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of the Halcyon Road Complete Streets Plan to the City Council.

Commissioner Roof recommended that members of the public get more involved in the City's public meetings. 

The Meeting adjourned at 7:46pm.